Women in Higher Education
“You measure women’s progress not by how women are doing at the top but how they are doing at the bottom. Yes, women on boards, and women as CEOs and so on, are important, but it is much more important to put effort into improving the position of the women who are doing the worst.”
Use the Figure.NZ data cards shown below to explore the statistics relating to women and higher education.
Task #1
Look at the two Figure.NZ charts Fields of specialisation for female students in New Zealand and Fields of specialisation for male students in New Zealand.
Choose three areas of specialisation that interest you.
Collate the numbers of female and male students enrolled in each of these three areas of specialisation and display this data on a bar graph.
A { 7,150 } B { 2,250 } C { 4,685} D { 2,625 } E { 83.2% } F { 78.3% }
The Earning potential of Women
“We need to make equal pay and equal opportunity for women and girls a reality so women’s rights are human rights once and for all.”
Use the Figure.NZ data cards shown below to explore the statistics around women's earning potential.
Task #1
Look at the Figure.NZ chart People employed in the New Zealand Defence Force by gender and service.
Create two true statements and one false statement based on this data.
Share with a partner and ask them to find the false statement.
Task #2
Compare the two Figure.NZ charts Average hourly earnings for female employees in New Zealand by industry and Average hourly earnings for male employees in New Zealand by industry.
Choose three industries that interest you.
Collate the average hourly earnings for females and males in each of these three areas of industry. Display this data on a bar graph.
A { 1,953 } B { 386 } C { 83% } D { $27.41 } E { $31.82 }