Women's Health
“Once I was exposed to all the women’s literature I felt the pain of what women had suffered through the centuries, the pain of the collective feminine. And I couldn’t ignore that, or say that doesn’t matter or that isn’t part of me as well. ”
Use the Figure.NZ data cards shown below to explore the statistics relating to women's health.
Task #1
Study the Figure.NZ chart Maternal mortality in OECD countries. Create two true statements and one false statement based on this data. Share with a partner and ask them to find the false statement.
Task #2
Look at the Figure.NZ chart Neonatal and post-neonatal deaths in New Zealand. Discuss what has led to the general trend in this data. What do you expect the figures to look like this year?
Collate the number of neonatal deaths each year from 1950 to 2017 to create a set of data.
Calculate the mean, median and range of neonatal deaths in New Zealand using these figures.
A { 16.8 } B { 879 } C { 147 }
The value placed on unpaid work
“Some people were wild at me. They said things like, ‘Oh that woman. She’s taking the place of a man.’ I thought to myself, I suppose they’re partly right. But I’ve never stopped the men doing anything. I’d been waiting for years for the men to put the world to rights. And they hadn’t. Well - God gave me eyes to see, a head to think, a tongue to talk. Why not use them, why not share what I know? That’s what I kept thinking. That’s what kept me going. ”
Use the Figure.NZ data cards shown below to explore the statistics around the value placed on unpaid work.
Task #1
Look at the Figure.NZ chart Reasons for not wanting to seek work for people who are not in the New Zealand labour force. Create two true statements and one false statement based on this data. Share with a partner and ask them to find the false statement.
Task #2
Using the data shown in the Figure.NZ chart Reasons for not wanting to seek work for people who are not in the New Zealand labour force, calculate the percentages of men and women who are not wanting to seek work due to ‘looking after children’ and ‘looking after others’.
A { 74,500 } B { 5,200 } C { 10,900 } D { 1,700 } E { $264,000 } F { $332,000 } G { 26% }